The Beginning of the Healing: August 29, 2008

According to the Holy Principle for Reconciliation, the nation which their forefathers crafted on back the backs of chattel slaves, and left it in their hands, since June 29, 2008, when though the US Congress, whites citizens officially in the sight of GOD, the Central Figure of the Declaration of Independence, and the enforcer of the Emancipation Proclamation, took that first initial step, has faired for the worse, domestically and internationally.

(see The Epilogue)

Knowing that they hold grudge against, when white citizens seeks out those whom are black to make reconciliation with them, thereby causing their relationship with GOD to no longer be estranged, the nation then begin to recover.

Until now, though the Congress enacted the historic Resolution, it is obvious that white citizens have not been successful in their reconciliation efforts with blacks whom continue to be offended and holds grudge against them, primarily because they are unaware of the 2008 official Apology.

Subsequently, in order for America to once again receive Heavenly Father’s blessings, white citizens must first, seek out their black brethren; second, make then aware of 2008; third, win their forgiveness.

Essentially, since 2008, black citizens have unknowingly been holding the whole nation in spiritual bondage.

Since 2008, because they have not forgiven their white brethren, but is yet holding grudge against them, their sins are not forgiven either, and their relationship Heavenly Father is also estranged.

And both US Citizens continue to mutually, and “secretly” hold prejudices and animus in their hearts towards each other.

The February 28 th National Reading will reset what should have occurred 8 years ago, particularly since the American people were electing a non-white citizen to the presidency, but instead one that is considered the first African-American, i.e., “black”, being in association with the offended black citizens, US President.

That particularly President, was granted five practical opportunities to lead America in the first, immediately followed by the second, simply by holding the historic document of unprecedented reconciliation in his hands and simply saying, “We the People whom we have been looking for, let the healing of the ‘house divided’ now begin.

Note: The six practical occasions are first, in 2008:  June 29, day of Resolution enactment; June 28th, Democratic nominee acceptance speech; November 8th, elected acceptance speech;

Second, 2009: January 20th, Inaugural speech; February 1st, first day of Black History Month; Feb. 3rd, Senate enactment of Resolution; Feb. 18th, “nation of cowards” statement.