The Objective

Seize the national narrative on black-white citizens’ racial relations, causing an environment whereby GOD, the Central Figure of/in the Declaration of Independence, will bless We the People of the United States of America, Union Republic with healing to the inherited wound of our collective and generational soul of the E Pluribus Unum “nation under GOD”, Who Annuit Ceptus, for this Ordu Nordu Seclurium.

(see The Beginning…)

Whether agree-accept, or disagree-reject, by the national reading of the Apology, both white and black citizens have and deserves the right to know, that on their behalf, such a resolution law has been enacted.

This is particularly true, as legislators govern by their/our consent. They owe us this secret truth which can make all the difference in black-white relations.

Note: As a Judaic-Christian nation, heeding the first principles of Jesus-Yeshua Christ’s salvation – reconciliation with GOD and persons, the US Congress, has by a sacred law-resolution, enacted the what can be deemed, the second portion of the Emancipation Proclamation, whereby this nation not only liberate chattel slaves, abolished the institution, granted citizenship to the freedmen and freemen (non black slaves), empowering them with the vote, the Resolution acknowledge, apologized, asks forgiveness, and seeks reconciliation with the descendants of chattel slaves, et al, i.e. black citizens.

Calling upon and expecting the members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) to respond in kind to the proverbial “white mans” Resolution to either forgive-accept and work with white citizens to make reconciliation the much desired by our founding and fore parents, long overdue reality…or not, giving reason for either? And when? The American peoples’ enquiring minds need to know.

2. Calling upon and expecting the black Christian bishops, reverends, ministers, clergy, et al, to either publicly reject or accept the resolution of repentance, and take it to their respective churches – congregants-parishioners, offering them that same option that they were afforded to decide, individually, or as families, etc., and et al.

3. The President of the United States – Gives Historical Recital
This event will impugn the President Trump to give an historical recitation of the Democratic and Republican Parties relationship with black lives, i.e., descendants of chattel slaves-Jim Crow survivors from July 4,1776, thru the US Civil  War to the present.

Given the unusual situation of the nation electing the first African-American President, Barack H. Obama pressured to give his views on black-white relations, and shamefully, without a Republican response, giving the impression that only Democrats have the proper and correct view of the matter.

Now, given the unusual situation whereby a very white Republican President who seeks to emulate Abraham Lincoln, but is accused by along with his Party by Democrats, of being perhaps, the most racist person ever to enter the White House, it is incumbent upon the Hon. Donald J. Trump, to give a historical recital of the matter.

This recital will either be answered with rebuttal from the Democratic Party, or remain silent, leaving the “field”, at last to the Republicans for complete what Lincoln was ardently working on.

Again, the American, US citizens have the right and deserve to know this truth as well.
(see The Beginning…)